Catholic bible study
Catholic bible study

catholic bible study

The Parish Renewal and Discipleship Team holds a number of resources, such as Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible, Little Rock resources and The Great Adventure resources. In this short video, Fr Barron explains how there are many genres in the Bible, and how easy it is to misunderstand this.īible Study Opportunities and Resources Parish Renewal and Discipleship Team We begin to see and understand the story of the Bible as the story of our family of faith, and where we ourselves fit into that story. We learn how the story of Jesus makes more sense when seen in the light of the Old Testament texts. 3:8)”īy reading, reflecting, and studying God’s Word in Scripture, we can discover more deeply who Christ is. “The sacred synod also earnestly and especially urges all the Christian faithful, especially Religious, to learn by frequent reading of the divine Scriptures the ‘excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ’ (Phil. Safeguarding in the Chancery and Parishes.Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Ministry.Life, Marriage and Family - Getting Involved.Created in the Image and Likeness of God.World Youth Day - 2023 - Information Night.Interest Rates for Diocesan Agencies and other approved depositors.Growing Young in Christ: A Spiritual Letter.Prayer of Consecration for Ukraine and Russia.Pastoral Letter - Jesus Christ: Our Beginning and End 2021.There is something special about a wide span of different people doing the study together. “I know people who have made deep and lasting friendships in Bible study. “It’s nice when the things we do in church meet multiple needs,” Dawson says. “We often do Bible study in fits and starts, but it’s better to do a little something with some regularity than embark on some ambitious plan you can’t live with.”Īll Scripture is truthful, says Saint Paul, and the Holy Spirit will move in us as we open ourselves to what is being said in Scripture and how it relates to us in the context of our lives, she says. The other gospels have some coded messages that are really cool when someone decodes them for you, but they have layers of meaning you will not get unless you are being guided in study.”Ībove all, she says, don’t give up. “It’s beautiful, compelling, and it hangs together it’s very readable. “John is a very readable book,” she recommends. “There’s plenty of stuff in there that’s helpful for scholars, but the average person needs to understand the point and then dig a little deeper. “By the time you get to Leviticus you’ll give up,” she says. Whether or not you join a Bible study group, Dawson advises, do not start your journey through the Scriptures at the beginning.


The Daily Audio Bible Mobile app also is free of charge and offers a community of readers on the same Scripture journey.


In addition, several online tools and video series are available for those who want to start their own study or create a group study.Ī phone application called Verbum, available for iPhones and Android phones, offers the Bible and additional resources. If you’re interested in joining a Bible study, Dawson recommends that you start by inquiring at your parish. “The story tells us over and over again how humans break their relationship with God and how God restores it.” Indeed, she adds, understanding the story is important if we are to understand God’s love for us. “Saint Jerome famously said, ‘ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.’ When we understand the broad sweep of the story being told from the first book of Genesis all the way through to the book of Revelations, we see the story of God’s attempt to redeem us and to provide us restoration into relationship with him,” Dawson explains. Thus, Bible study is a logical next step. With a more educated laity, in modern times the Church acknowledges a newfound understanding of the place Scripture should occupy in a life of faith, she adds. “Many people at the time were illiterate and there was some concern about confusion, so we relied on professionals in the religious class to guide the uneducated in the practice of our faith,” says Dawson, who directs the Office of Parish Faith Formation for the Diocese of Orange. As Katie Dawson notes, the Protestants claimed the Scripture as their own in the great divorce called the Reformation, while Catholics held onto the sacraments.

catholic bible study

An i ncreasing number of Catholic parishes are offering Bible studies to parishioners, with some churches featuring a variety of studies t argeted for specific audiences, such as women and young people.įor many Catholics, the idea of studying the Bible is a new concept.

Catholic bible study